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Dual Boot Linux Mint and Windows 11

I recently purchased a new Windows 11 desktop with the intention of creating a partition of the hard drive and installing Linux Mint. My goal is for Linux Mint to be my "daily driver".

I have watched more YouTube videos on the subject than I care to admit, but here are the two I found most helpful.


What is next?

I do not plan to go hard core open source.

As many applications can be ran through the browser, I downloaded Microsoft Edge and Firefox on both operating systems and setup browser favorites which sync between Windows and Mint.

I plan to use Office 365/Google Suite through the browser for my email and office products. Although to save my sanity, I will definitely pop back into the Windows side and use the native Excel app if I have to do some serious Excel data manipulation.

I also plan to work my way through this course: Linux Operating Systme: Crash Course for Beginners

That is all for now...reboot -p



One of my first Linux adventure in 2020

I obtained an old Windows laptop from my daughter. It was her gaming laptop, so I thought it had potential

It was running incredibly slow and was shutting down for my daughter for no reason. I am excited to see whal I can do with it...to play...to get my nerd on.

I decided to install Ubuntu and to make a video of me doing so.